June 29, 2009

Pork Barrel BBQ Wins Big at Safeway National Capital BBQ Battle

We are proud to report that our mission of bringing championship BBQ into the backyards of all Americans took a big leap forward this weekend! We entered our first ever BBQ competition, and decided to try out our rub against some of the biggest and best BBQ'ers in the nation at the Safeway National Capital BBQ Battle - out of over 50 teams, we took 2nd place in the Best BBQ Sauce in the Nation competition and 4th Place for our Pork Shoulder covered in our All American Spice Rub:

We want to send special thanks to our family and friends who came to visit us and eat free BBQ. A special shout out goes to Rex with SavoryReviews.com:

And a HUGE thanks to Heath's parents for travelling from Jefferson City, Missouri and helping us out all weekend:
And here's the Pork Barrel BBQ family!
We stayed true to our backyard roots and cooked all our food on the Weber Smokey Mountain Cookers and only used our All American Spice Rub:

Here's our pork shoulder getting going:

And here's the finished product:

Here's of shot of Heath and his amazing brisket (look at that smoke ring)!

We had an amazing time and learned a lot from the great BBQ talent that was competing - thanks again to Safeway for hosting such a great event in Washington DC!

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