September 4, 2009

Pork Barrel BBQ Wins the Taste of Del Ray 2009 Peoples Choice Award

We are proud to announce that last night Pork Barrel BBQ won the Del Ray Business Association's Taste of Del Ray People's Choice Award. The Taste of Del Ray brings restaurants throughout the Del Ray Neighborhood in Alexandria, Virginia, together to provide samples of their food - we gave out over 400 servings of our award winning pulled pork sandwiches and Mango Mike's bourbon bread pudding. The Pork Barrel BBQ Restaurant is currently under construction and will open next spring on Mt. Vernon Avenue next to St. Elmo's Coffee Pub and The Dairy Godmother.

We'd like to give special thanks to the Del Ray Business Association and Gayle Reuter for hosting such a great evening, Mary Abraham and Eric Reid of Del Merei Grill for organizing the event, Christie Hart and Executive Chef Will Artley from the Evening Star Cafe for showing us the ropes (this was their 11th year!), and Sheriff Dana Lawhorne for keeping us all safe (see below)!

Mango Mike Anderson and Heath Hall survey the line outside the Pork Barrel BBQ booth!

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